

Revived: T-shirt designing

Last year (or was it the year before?) I used to get blank t-shirts and draw designs on them and such.  Usually they feature the person's name on it with some extra stuff to make it look snazzy.
After a bit of a hiatus this year, I dug out my fabric markers again for a part of Simon's Christmas pressie (he insisted that he wanted one after he found out I'd made some before).  So here it is - another holiday DIY:

Pick these puppies up from Jackson's Art Supplies (~$3 a pop)
 First I like to start the design based on how I want their name to look.  I chose circles for this design.
Then I'll sketch around the name, to get a general idea of what I want it to look like.
Usually I won't use pencil guide-lines, but because I wanted this one to be absolutely perfect, I did :)
Now for some ink...
(This is the tedious bit - it takes a few good hours to go over the lines and the spaces to make sure every bit is filled in and there are no patchy areas)
The finished product!
Happy! ^_^

xx T


When in Europe...

Shop like a European?

You would be surprised how much loot I acquired, considering I intended to do little or no shopping (gasp!) on my travels. My strict budget, combined with my noble aim to spend money on cultural activities instead of shopping, meant that I should NOT have come home with so many delicious new items.

But when €10 shoes smack you in the face with a subtle "I'm cheap!! You won't find me in Perth! BUY ME!", how can you resist?
First sighting of Zara, on the Champs Ellysees no less!
We arrived in Paris on the day of the Lanvin s H&M launch and later came back to try on some of the gorgeous dresses, but didn't end up buying anything! Above is my crazy little sister rockin' one of the dresses!
Inside Galleries Lafayettes
Addicting markets in Florence, Italy. Leather bound books are a weakness of mine!!
The most gorgeous canal-side boutique in Venice, which I didn't dare enter...our sodden shoes would have ruined the carpet!
Some designer eye candy at Moschino (Venice)
Endless shops in Berlin, open 'til all hours.
One of about twenty antique/vintage shops I looked in during our few days in Amsterdam. I had to sneakily take this photo while the lady was turned away! Aren't I a rebel ;)
Camden markets- one of many cute little market stalls.

These pictures hopefully give you a hint of what's in store (pardon the pun) for any future European shoppers or travellers!

A post full of loot is soon to follow :)

xx S


Feeling pink with heat!

Now that I'm back in the thick of summer, I can't wait to stock up on a new summer wardrobe! Due to severely depleted funds, I might be just adapting things I already have to the new looks or even whipping up something myself if I get around to it. Or perhaps just begging/stealing/borrowing from alternative sources.

Perfect pink, silk, draped concoction from Portmans.

I put this here, thinking I would like to buy it. Then realised I have one exactly the same!
Looks like a great elegant beach/picnic dress. At $149.95 though, I might just have to wait for the sales :( or perhaps whack out the sewing machine!
This cute retro one peice by MinkPink!! Only $99 from a new online shop called MarketHQ. The model is the adorable Annabel from LoveMore, a Sydney blog! My Christmas bathers money (from Santa) is waiting to be spent...

xx S


Christmas at my house...

Is a little different from everyone's traditional family gatherings!  
Of course, we begin by waking up early to open presents (9am this year - for once my brother and I weren't awake at 5am).
(some euros and pounds for our trip to London and Paris in exactly one week!!)

Fair enough, we do have a traditional lunch (ham, turkey, yum!)...  This year Simon and his mother came over to help us eat it all!
Oh cherries, how I've missed you...

But the Christmas dinner with the rest of the extended family is the real deal which everyone eagerly descends on our household for!  
A satay FEAST!

How do you and your family celebrate Christmas?

xx T


And so it is Christmas

I am home, healthy, happy and full of food...all due to my favourite day of the year; Christmas!

I love the effort my Mum goes to to make our house feel festive. I managed to take a couple of photos of the decorations around the place last night during my job as chief photographer (job given due to willingness, not skill level, let me assure you!)

xx S



Presents, feasting, family and friends - all things we enjoy at Christmas time!  But amidst all the commercialism and manic consumerism that happens, it's easy to forget why we have this time of year to relax and enjoy one-another's company.

Remind yourself with this - the cutest version of the Christmas Story as told by the children of St Paul's Church:

Wishing everyone a safe and fun-filled silly season,

xx T & S


Merry Christmas Eve!

S is officially back in town!!  Just in time for Christmas Eve-day too :D
Since she's probably severely jet-lagged, and I have a large family event tomorrow, we probably won't be posting anything until at least Boxing Day.
So from S and myself, have a safe and fantastical Christmas!



Just a short post to let you all know that S is back tomorrow!!!  She's been having a whole lot of fun in Europe during the past few weeks, although I have been missing her lots...
Her boyfriend also bought her a new camera before she went, so check in soon to take a peek at her photos!

I hope the weather gets nicer soon... (here in Perth the weather's being all yucky today).  I want it to be hot   for Christmas so we can sit outside in the balmy evening weather!  ^_^

EDIT: This is S here, hijacking the blog from the ever capable T. I have been delayed 2 days in snowy London town, which doesn't sound so bad except that I miss home infintaneously (if that's a word).
Check back on the blog around/after Christmas for news of my small *cough cough* collection of loot from my European travels.
A sneak peak, you ask?
Perfect wintery Zara skirt that has had a good work out over here!


The Last Girl On Earth

I won a double pass to Rihanna's concert in Perth (Burswood Dome) - she'll be doing her thing on Saturday 12th March next year.  Unfortunately I'm not that big a fan, so I'm selling them off here for lots cheaper than they'd usually be.
So if you'd like them, bid on them, buy them outright, or drop me a line and haggle them down to your liking (within reason that is!).

I do like this video clip of hers - perhaps I should style a quick shoot like it when S comes back soon?

S is back on Tuesday!  I can't wait!!
xx T

"Granny takes a trip to Constantinople"

Here's a few pieces from the recent Chanel Metier d'Arts pre-fall show.
Mr Lagerfeld explained that the season's theme was Paris-Byzance - and you can definitely see the influences here in the jewellery, palette, and the filigree headbands adorning those beehives!


As per usual, some fantastic tailoring as well.
I think I am in love with the gold dress and those stripy green pants.

Read the review and see the rest of the collection here at

My favourite blogger The Cherry Blossom Girl also did a couple of posts on the ateliers that she got to visit before the show - she has some beautiful photographs of some of the pieces above being created by the talented craftsmen.  See her posts here and here.

xx T

On a side note, I'm currently besotted with a pair of gold-glitter Miu Miu shoes which are going for a good price... Shall I buy them or not?  Even when I don't need them?
Argh the decisions!  
I'll let you know if I do bite the bullet...



Here's 2 outfits from the recent Oscar de la Renta Pre-Fall 2011 show:

Some lovely demure outfits! 

Until you realise they're wearing cardigans back-to-front!!
(Ok the blonde model with odd-looking shoulders might have been a give-away)

I like the fact that you won't need to go buy a high-necked knit and you can show of some back-flesh whilst you're at it.  Although I do think you'd get some weird looks if you tried this!

xx T


Join the crew!

Now for something a little more summery, since it's summer time here in sunny little Perth!  If only I had this much colour in my wardrobe already - I'd love to dress more like this at the moment.

These pieces are from J Crew's Spring 2011 Ready-to-Wear Collection, and feature some fantastically cute casual spring gear!

A simple yet lovely dress.
This photo reminds me that I have some similar pink pants that need debuting...
And I should wear them with my pink shoes like this picture!  YES!!
Tangerine brights with jacquard - my favourite material.
A fun pop of yellow.
More akin to the neutral colours I'd usually wear, but check out that lace cropped jacket!

xx T