

2012 Style

Happy New Year!

While I do enjoy a bit of serious resolution-making, January 1 is also a suitable time to make style or wardrobe resolutions.  T & I both have aspirations to free our wardrobes of some of their weight this year.

Some tips to help us on our quest:
1. Be a material snob.  Natural fibres feel nicer, look better and are just...better!  Replacing your synthetic items with silk, cotton and cashmere is a quite a financial commitment. (Wow this is sounding deadly serious)
2. Think of your wardrobe space as a place for privileged items.  Do those cheap flip flops deserve to take up room in your wardrobe when everything is so squished? 
3. Look at some similar items: would one versatile item do the job of these 3 mediocre items?  
4. Pre-season planning & wishlisting.  Ohmygosh.  Can't believe I just verb-ised a noun.  And again.

pictures via afterdrk & deadfleurette

There are a hoard of bloggers out there promoting the quality over quantity argument, so if you're looking for inspiration or encouragement when you see a polyester garment and think Oh but the colour is so nice! then check out Dead Fleurette and Afterdrk.

xx S

PS: Our DIY page is updated here, so plenty of ideas reside there for your lazy holiday days.


  1. Great post! I am so, so on-board with these aspirations, and I love Dead Fleurette and Afterdrk! Definitely craving a truly streamlined, functional wardrobe for 2012!

  2. We love both of these looks!

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