

Lake Ballard

Less than a week has passed since being in Kalgoorlie* & I already have some photos of the outback for you!  Ooh lala, so speedy!
We went on a day trip through Ora Banda & Menzies (both tiny little towns) to Lake Ballard, a spot that is usually known for its ridiculously good looking sunset, but is equally amazing in the daytime.  Google map it before you look at the photos, to put in perspective how remote it is... or just click here if you're feeling lazy.

*(most of the week has been spent sweating in the outdoors or freezing in the chilly aircon'd indoors, but that's another post altogether. One I should title "how not to pack for a trip to the outback")

Lake Ballard expedition
An old Two-Up shed, still used for  "assorted activities" as you can see by the empty beer box
Lake Ballard expedition
Lake Ballard expedition
Lake Ballard expedition
Lake Ballard expedition
Lake Ballard expedition
Lake Ballard expedition
Lake Ballard expeditionLake Ballard expedition
^^Proof that I did not get these photos from google images
Lake Ballard expedition
Lake Ballard expedition
Lake Ballard expedition

I love how the colours in the outback are so vidid.  What I do not love is my Converses now being a vivid shade of orange mud.  Next time I'll forget my standards and just wear joggers (with jeans, gasp)!

From the outback with love,

xx S


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