

2WW: Canadian Tuxedo

The Canadian Tuxedo can be done really wrong or really right.
Today for 2 Way Wednesday, we've attempted the latter & hope we succeeded!

Again, the same instruction has yielded two very different ensembles.  (Without planning, we must add.)
Whilst T went for a traditional tux & added gold accents for interest, S manipulated the dress code using coloured denim. 

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T's Classic Tux
Wearing double denim hadn't even flashed across my radar because, 1: I was not in possession of a denim shirt until before I left for Albany, and, 2: I was a little clueless about the whole ordeal of doubling up my denim.  That was until this picture of O.P. surfaced, and I realised I had all the elements of her outfit.

Hence the blatant outfit-copy.

But I reckon it worked out okay - what do you think?

Le Fanciulle (12 of 54).jpgLe Fanciulle (14 of 54).jpg
Le Fanciulle (13 of 54).jpg
Le Fanciulle (11 of 54).jpg

T Wears
Zara jeans
ST&ARD Denim shirt
Country Road flats
Cheapie necklace from Cambodia

S' Springy Double Denim

These jeans are one of those outfit-making pieces of clothing that I usually grab in a running-out-the-door manner.  Instead of wearing them with my favourite Marcs stripey t-shirt (seen here & many other posts), which is worn more than any other top in my 'drobe, I decided to obey the dress code with a light denim shirt.

Admittedly, the black bag does not coordinate at all with the look, nor does the red notebook peeping out, but in an effort to portray reality on zis leedle blahg, here it is anyway.

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Le Fanciulle (39 of 54).jpg
Le Fanciulle (36 of 54).jpg

S wears
Sass & Bide jeans from Recollections
Portmans denim shirt & jacket
Necklace from Ebay
Ferragamo bag (gift from T&Mr T)
Le Specs sunglasses

This time next week we'll be back in Perth.  Exciting is an understatement.

xx S&T


  1. OMG! That necklace is amazing!

  2. I LOVE both those necklaces! I think you both pulled off the Canadian Tuxedo very well!

    1. Thanks Tara! Yeah- we are such necklace hoarders, sometimes they just maketh the outfit!

      Steph xx

  3. i love your blog ladies! and being italian i love how you wrote how to pronounce it! so funnnny haha <3 following!

    1. Thank you! And yes, the pronunciation guide was quite a desperate measure! haha! We just got soo sick of it being mispronounced. So glad you like our blog :)

      Steph xx


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