

Behind the Scenes with Dhyan & Benjamin

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Left & right. 
Yin & yang.
Steph & Trish.

We all know good things come in twos.  
Case in point, cool-cat photographers Dhyan & Benjamin, a Perth-based duo whose shoot I had the pleasure of attending on Saturday.  Enjoy the photos first - details at the end of the post!

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Tucked away in Dhyan's godfather's enchanting jungle of a garden, the two worked their camera-magic on Ebony & Eli from Vivien's to create their long-envisioned editorial masterpiece.  Helping them out were Sandy Tau (hair & MUA), Candice van Haltren (styling - visit her blog here), Natalie (behind-the-scenes video), & Josh (assistant).  

A huge thanks to Dhyan & Benjamin for inviting us along to check out their shoot.  Stay tuned for the final photos - I'm pretty sure they're going to be rather phenomenal just looking at the raw images on Saturday.  

We've also got a special interview post coming up soon featuring the guys so I won't add much more here.  However, if you have any burning questions regarding photography and the shutterbug life, pop them below in the comments section below and I will forward them on!  

xx T

P.S. more photos here 


  1. Love these photos ladies! Those lush greens really pop.

  2. Haha, love the Bushman spray - definitely a must have for le Jungle Shoot

  3. Beautiful shots guys! They have a certain mystical vibe :)


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