

Through the Looking Glass with Dhyan & Benjamin

Being a blogger, sometimes people automatically assume you have knowledge and insight into the fashion industry.  Which I guess for the majority of those in the blog-o-sphere, is untrue.  Does that mean our "blaaahhhhger" moniker is accurate?  Probably.  We sometimes get a little disillusioned when reading blogs which conform to the ill-advised-but-enthusiastic stereotype.  You all probably already know that we, S & T, are simply students who's course-work does not even dabble in the vestiary realm (with the exception of looking perpetually 'smart-casual' - whatever the hell that means, wearing pyjamas to surgery, and not being allowed to have painted nails).  

Thankfully, we delight in one of the privilege that blogging brings - that is, coming into contact with people working in more artistic industries than ours.  And boy do we love picking their brains and marvelling at what they create.  Hence today marks the first in the series of interviews which we hope to bring you over the course of this year, featuring some of our local artistic talents, both hidden and well-known.  

And who better to start with than a duo rivalling us in utter kookiness - local photography wizards, Dhyan & Benjamin.  

Blues Brothers
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Roll call:

We're Dhyan and Benjamin, a couple of photographers who have come to work together. 
We basically just focus on creating amazing photos. 

When did you start photography/when did you start working together? 

Dhyan has been around a little while, and Benjamin has been around a little longer. Both with successful careers as individuals. 
One night at the start of 2013, we were pretty drunk and thought it would be an awesome idea to shoot an editorial together.  As we drank the ideas for the editorial got more and more ridiculous, they eventually turned into discussions of "what if there was a new photographer who could produce amazing work from the start of their career".  We ended up taking a couple of months to do that editorial and just kept working together in the meantime. 

Name few people who influence your style photography-wise:

This week it's Mert and Marcus, Thom Kerr, Mario Sorrentti, and Helmut Newton to name a few.

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Name 3 people who influence your personal style:

Currently we don't make enough to fully absorb ourselves into expensive style, and role models for men's fashion aren't nearly as prominent or diverse as women's.  Having said that we're both pretty big on dressing well.  For instance our favourite designers are Scotch and Soda, Firetrap, Paul Smith, Calvin Klein, Ted Baker, and we're craving some suits from Moods of Norway.  

* You can see from the photo above that they wear suits to shoots.  They're probably the most dapper photogs ever.  

What's the best thing about being a duo?

You would think it's only having to do 50% of the work... yet we find ourselves working 90 hrs a week because we're able to push each other when one would normally go home or 'leave it for tomorrow'.

What is an interesting quirk that your partner in crime has?

Well Benjamin is literally unable to focus on anything. Even conversations. 
Dhyan likes to listen to a song on repeat... all day, often for days at a time. It's worse than 92.9.

Your favourite kind of tea?  (in this case, coffee)

Dhyan: Large latte 
Benjamin: Long mac topped up

Draw yourself in your favourite outfit:

Dhyan is Rick James and Benjamin is Johnny Cash

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_A6A0325Benjamin working it for the camera

Thanks again guys for inviting us along to your shoot!  Behind the scenes photos by T are here.
Stay tuned for the final images soon!

x S & T

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