

Wardrobe Solutions

Believe it or not, we don't spend our lives prancing around in lipsy-jumpers & instead most of our waking hours pass by in hospitals that necessitate serious clothing.  I have come to the realisation that if you spend 75% of your time somewhere, your wardrobe should be representative of that.  Hence why I have removed nearly 10 huge bags of clothing from my room (for next week's garage sale!) & replaced them with a few staples from my favourite reliable brand (on sale, for that matter).
CR Sale 2
A subtly metallic update for classic stripes - top here
Not sure what covered my legs last Winter -  pants here
Wore holes through my old ballet flats - shoes here
Valentino-inspired flats to give the above pair a break - shoes here
Kidding, I didn't buy this bag, but wish I did - bag here

I am super keen on khaki at the moment & would have loved to add this or this to my wardrobe, but I'd also love some money left in my bank account, so had to refrain.

Next week's garage sale will be full of things we love, but don't get wear out of, so come down & pick up a bargain!

Happy Weekend!

xx S


  1. S, I love that most of these links are from Country Road haha. Addiction? xx

    1. Hahaha, ALL of them are from CR in fact! A bit of an addiction, yes, but no matter what other things I buy, I seem to just go back to my CR favourites... if it ain't broke... hehe ;)

      S xx

  2. Great picks, especially that bag, reminds me a little of an Alexander Wang bag I've currently got a crush on. Though this Country Road alternative has a price tag that's a little easier on my bank balance.

    They do some great stuff, so I can totally see the attraction!



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