

Denim Questions

jeans denim blue
Image from Lovely Pepa 

A spur of the moment denim purchase has triggered some pondering about what we class as "flattering" and why.  With skinny jeans the current status quo in denim, and boyfriend jeans only for amazons (or normal people in heels), I wonder why form-fitting is the predominant style of dressing these days.  Modesty aside, surely leaving some mystery to your form would be the thing to do, as opposed to the 'show you legs or your bosoms' rule.  Why show anything at all?  Why not just... wear comfortable, stylish clothes?  I do not know.

Alright, enough questions for one Monday morning.

I'm not even sure what I'm getting at, just that relaxed styles are becoming increasingly refreshing these days.
Jeggings, be gone.

xx S

1 comment:

  1. LEGGINGS ARE NOT PANTS! I'm currently wearing my boyfriend jeans (which my boyfriend actually likes), and I feel great. Always been a fan of relaxed non-figure-hugging styles and absolutely prefer to leave everything to the imagination! xx


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