

DIY Acne Star Skirt - Styled!

Oooh yeah it's DIY Friday again!  It's been a while hasn't it?
We had our first exam today, followed by some outfit shooting (photos to come in time) and a relaxing massage to get the next lot of study underway.  Thank you for continuing to visit our little bloggy, even though we're not posting as much as we'd like to!  We promise it'll be back on like Donkey Kong after next Friday :)

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S gave me some (very simple) outfit inspiration for this DIY that I did in July, in her post a while ago.  I was worried that the stars were a bit fragile, but they held up well for an afternoon of errands and Church!

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Le Fanciulle (10 of 11).jpg

Photos by Sab

Mum's old gold chain necklace
Simon's American Apparel tee
DIY leather Acne star skirt

Yeah, this outfit is mainly stolen borrowed.

xx T


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