

Racing Stripes & a Big Thank You!

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Oh hello there, blog readers!

Who knew S & I would get our act together and churn out a few outfit posts for you - all  shot in exam week?  Well with two papers down and a generous 3 days until our last unspeakable, we are positively itching to get back to daily blogging!

Getting their debut on the blog today are these Sportsgirl trousers (perfect slouchy pants, on sale as well!) and a Zara blazer which my dad so kindly found for me in China.  The stripe on the collar is actually metal - thus making it even cooler than I imagined it to be.  (on the topic of blazers, does anyone want to sponsor me for this S&B tux jacket?)

I'm hoping I can start making this slouchy pants + slouchy top + blazer combo more of a "uniform" - goodness knows I need to get dressed quicker in the morning.  I'll also be having my annual closet clean-out shortly, and I'll be checking myself into wardrobe-rehab soon so stay tuned for that post.
Do you guys have a fail-safe uniform which you try to stick to?

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Zara blazer
Country Road singlet (similar here)
Sportsgirl trousers
Thrifted snake-print heels
Ray Ban sunglasses

xx T

P.S. Thank you so much to anyone who nominated us for the WAFA Betts Best Blogger Award!  We are so humbled that you'd consider our little bloggy worthy :)  Congratulations to the other nominees too - you are all very deserving!

Check out the full nominees list here


  1. A little bit Varsity and confy!
    Love it! so chic!
    xoxo Marty
    The Fashion Coffee

  2. Love love love it! You look awesome!

    And congrats on your nomination - I will be backing you girls to win all the way!


  3. Love the look but good luck maintaining it as a uniform in Perth's summer heat.

    1. Hahaha that is true - was dying of the heat today already! (Summer, GO AWAY)

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks Bonnie! Congrats on your nomination xx

  5. Very interesting to know your nomination. Congrats!! Love the new look and Good Luck.


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