

A Sunny Day in Edinburgh


This outfit comes with lots of love from one of the most beautiful cities I've ever seen.  PX & I went on a day trip to Edinburgh last weekend and to sum up how much we loved it, we're going back as soon as possible.

Photos PX

Boots - Hunters
(have wanted these for ages, and if not in Scotland, then when!?)
Coat -  Topshop
Jeans - Sportsgirl
Scarf - knitted by my cousin
(such a warm, cosy scarf & in my favourite colours too, thanks so much E!)
Beanie - GAP (bought to match the scarf hehe)

Merry Christmas (eve) everybody!  I'm spending it in Amsterdam with family, but missing my family lots back home.  Love you lots, if you're reading this!

xx S


  1. I totally adored Edinburgh. We were there for three weeks in 2010. I highly recommend Hairy Coo tour (totes more legit than they sound) - it is a free tour than runs up to the highlands over a day. You just tip them at the end of the day! They were really great and we had a fab time!

    PS - love the scarf!

    1. Thanks so much for the tip, i'll investigate that because we are so keen to visit the Highlands. Thats pretty much the only major place we are dying to visit, all the rest is a bonus! I hope you have an AWESOME time away too xx

  2. Oooohhh I love Edinburgh! It looks super cold but you managed to stay fashionable! Kudos!



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