

Girl About Town

Today, in the midst of Glasgow Green, a tranquil & pristine pocket of this big noisy city, there was a fruitloop of a girl making faces & taking selfies trying to show you her new lipstick.

You see, I somehow managed to bring along 3 different red lipstick shades on this trip, but no pink.  What. A. Horror.  A horror that could only be remedied by a trip to the MAC counter, for sure.  My mother would actually be so proud.

glasgow (1 of 2)
MAC (1 of 5)MAC (3 of 5)MAC (2 of 5)MAC (5 of 5)
glasgow (2 of 2)
MAC 'Girl About Town' lipstick & 
Similar here & here (I love the texture of NP lipsticks)

The real purpose of this post is to say hello & check in.  Also, I suppose, it shows you what happens to me when T is not around... that is, insanity develops & photo quality becomes questionable!

So, what do you like about this post?  The lip colour?  My new cheap as chips Gap beanie?  Or how my face looks like it is freezing to bits and my face looks ridiculous...?

xx S

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