

Party Brights

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A departure from my usual black-on-black going-out outfit, here is my getup from last Friday night!  Tried to channel a bit of Caro Issa with the fuchsia, but it was too cold to go out without a jacket.  Stupid Perth weather, make up your mind already!  But thank you for being terrible so I can at least wear some leather before it gets to 40 degrees.

The earrings once also had some awesome jewelled beetles attached to them.  But alas, being made out of glass, they were too heavy for my tiny ears.  So I hacked them off and below is the end result.

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Here, I am pleased with my exam-splurge: this Topshop leather jacket.  So soft, so basic, and the perfect solution for that black-jacket gap in my wardrobe.

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However, I am NOT pleased with my new baby camera (this thing), which all these photos were taken on.  The shots are a bit lacklustre, but I guess that's the tradeoff - portability with the baby cam versus awesomeness of the big cam.  Anyway, after all that hunting around for a small camera, I think big cam-cam is just going to come with me in the end!

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Asos Collection earrings (modified by me
Topshop traditional leather jacket
Sportsgirl silk dress
Saba clutch
Jeffrey Campbell shoes

xx T

P.S. Sinead and I got to go to the opening of the WA Museum's newest exhibition last night - pictures up tonight (or whenever I get time to go through them!)


  1. T the quality of these piccies are really good for a little point and snap! I know its hard to go from DSLR to a point and snap but I think these are great!! Loving your dress colour at the moment, its my favourite colour to wear atm :D

    Love love xoxoxox

    1. Thanks Alexis! It's actually a super good camera - I did a lot of homework before I committed to it, but it just doesn't have the comfortable feel of my SLR which I'd much rather prefer now that I think about it!

      xx Trish


    After all, #yolo.

  3. Hot pink actually suits you RIDICULOUSLY well. Those earrings are amaz too!

    1. Thanks Sinead! Fuschia is my favourite loud colour :)

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you! Surprisingly, a choice by my boyfriend would you believe it? He secretly has quite good taste :)


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