

A Bit More Than Basic

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This is how I'd dress every day if I were allowed to - clean and simple, just how I like it.  It looks el borangggg, except for the fact on closer inspection the black pants are in a subtle brocade fabric, and the trainers have a hidden wedge (hooray for the height advantage).  Pow!  Basics with a sneaky twist!  I'm not sure what started it or where it came from, but I'm preferring a basic pared-down ensemble to trend dressing at the present.  Which reminds me that I still have to show you my illustrated "perfect" wardrobe!  (Soon, soon - I bought that iPad and have been sketching in my spare time)

Anyway continuing on that tangent, apart from one weekend in Sihanoukville where I spent a solid 6+ hours watching FashionTV, I haven't kept up with fashion month.  It's a bit of a travesty since I'm supposed to be a blogger and have an opinion about that sort of stuff, but in reality my current state is that it's just a bit fatigued - mostly when it comes to the media circus, (more) street style, etc.  Don't you fret, it's probably just a phase - but I do wonder; why is everyone feeling so super-saturated at the moment?  See Francesca & Ivania - they both put it nicely.  The funny thing is that this fatigue seems to be doing the rounds right now, and I've noticed a solid dose of this "back to basics" business on a fair few blogs. I wonder what the rebound will be and when it will happen?

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Karen Walker sunglasses
Agent Ninety-Nine striped tee - c/o General Pants
Axara Paris brocade pants
Nike Dunk Ski-Hi's (my fave shoes of 2012)

Happy Monday - some travel photos to grace the blog this week!

xx T


  1. It is a fact that all trends end in excess (and if they don't end, they're of course classic), but it seems that finally the excess of fashion is ending in excess - does that make sense? I'm talking about the circus of fashion week in all of its over-the-top street style 'glory'. I for one love the 'back to basics' trend sighted around the blogosphere, as it has almost always been my go-to style. Who would have ever have thought the unpretentiousness of the 90's would ever come back around the fashion cycle?

    On the other side of this essay-of-a-comment, loving your quality over quantity outfit! And can not wait to see those sketches of yours. Any chance of a sneaky preview?

  2. I totally agree with your comment. The industry is so flooded with fast-fashion, so we can all afford to keep up on the latest trends, that most of us have forgotten to develop our own personal style. It's sad how easy it is to feel we can't keep up, when really there is just too much out there that's just not really worth the time xxx


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