

Rochelle Adonis

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This morning we enjoyed a delicate high tea at Rochelle Adonis with some local girls, who also happen to have blogs.  It was a first time for S & a second for T, but either way, Rochelle Adonis' daily menu changes ensure the high tea never grows old.

As duly noted by the Rochelle Adonis staff, our gathering of bloggers would not be complete without a good dose of gadgets.
So despite us hiding our phones away in our bags for maximal in-person interaction, the urge to insta-document the day was too hard to resist.  Anyway, enough chat - more photos of food & pretty ladies!

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Oh my goodness - for once, a photo of us.
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Erin's psychedelic holographic shoes

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What better way to end the photographical barrage than a pic of Heidy's infectious grin!

Thank you Monique for organising.  If you like the look of these lasses, be sure to peek at our list of local bloggers for more.

S&T xx


  1. You are more than welcome! I hope you don't mind if I borrow and credit that ridiculous photo of me haha xx

  2. That is sucha pretty place for tea! :) Love your pictures!

    accidental encounters

  3. Oh this all looks so lovely. You got some great captures too!

    1. Thanks Soph! It was as tasty as it looks ;)

  4. Mmm so drool-worthy...! Awesome to see you guys kick ass at your respective electives then get back into the swing of things :) Not many people blog up here so I've had to restrain my insta-tendencies during mealtimes and social gatherings so as not to offend - it's been difficult!

    Mucho love from Broome,
    Sarah :)

    1. Defs very drool-worthy!
      Not much swing to get back into though - we've got campus week starting tomorrow (booo) then we're off for rural GP! But so good to see you're enjoying yourself in Broome :D

      xx T

  5. So bummed I couldn't come but look forward to more catch ups alike :)
    Adelle -


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