

Oh Happy Day

There's a strange exhaustion that comes from finishing a term of uni, or a certain assessment you've got due.  Instead of the wild celebrations some might get up to (rather, that university students are supposed to get up to), T & I usually feel drained and ready to just plonk ourselves down on the couch and eat potatoes/become a potato.  It takes a few little pick-me-ups to return ourselves to our normal spirits & these are some I've tried of late.

Happy things 1
Happy 2

Mario Badescu Enzyme Revitalising mask & cleansing gel, Subtitled cable knit, Nike running outfit, Ellie Goulding album.

Not pictured: time with family, sleep, kisses (ooo!), food(even more ooo!!)

What kinds of things do you do to lift your spirits and get yourself out of a "stink"?

Happy Sunday :)

xx S&T

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  1. I love Lush bubble bars .. they make me so happy!

  2. A lovely glass of beautiful red wine! (tea is good too!)

    And lots of cuddles


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