

Pleather Minus the P

There has been a small incident, but one that I stand behind.  The number of leather jackets in my wardrobe has gone from nil to two in that many weeks.  You may think me reckless, but I think that a leather jacket in a classic cut will never go out of style... in fact, leather is like good wine & violins (ageing-wise).  An investment, perhaps, in my future as a sophisticated woman.  (haha!)

Leather jacket 1
Leather jacket 2
Leather jacket 3
Images from IWantaBigCloset & LizaChloe 

What do you think?  Reckless?

While usually it's wise to stop & think about big purchases for a while, sometimes it's a case of now-or-never.....
(where never = sold out)

xx S


  1. Well done!!! Leather jackets are so cool. Love your post. Thank you for your lovely comment. I was in Australia recently. I love it....Would you like to follow each other through bloglovin?

  2. I think a woman can never have enough of shoes, and if you apply this policy on leather jackets then you are fine ;)

    I just bumped into your blog and after scrolling through your posts, I must say I really like it :) How about we follow each other? :)

    Kisses from Zurich,

  3. Leather jackets are the best! I love your blog :)

  4. Leather jackets are amazing - especially when you've had one for awhile and it starts to look a bit more distressed and worn in!

  5. I really love leather, it definitely is a timeless staple!
    xx Kate

    The Style Department

  6. I have only one leather jacket, but I do agree that it is one of those timeless pieces that you will have forever! x

  7. I have a real red leather trench coat and a short black pleather one ... the pleather gets worn heaps more because Im not so worried about it getting stained or weathered. The real leather Iv had for 8 years and Im sure Ill have it for another 8 years :)


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