

2WW: The LBD

Today we present the LBD 2 Ways.  It had to be done.

An event with a vague dress code is the perfect time to don your favourite LBD.  In fact, any time is a good time to do so!  Such is the beauty of a simple, classy black dress.

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T wore an elegant draped silk dress from Witchery, warmed up by a tuxedo blazer & spiced up with her Céline holographic clutch.
S wore a long sleeved, mid length jersey dress that has a lace back to un-grandma-ify it.  Pointed high heels were required & these red ones were begging for an outing, so out they came.

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T's outfit

If you've been following my Instagram since last year, you'd know that I tried the mustard-yellow version of this dress from Witchery.  Alas, it was far in excess of my budget and I let it go.  Until I found it in black, going for a much nicer price on eBay!  And black is so much more my colour.  The tux blazer was also found on sale, and has been such a handy addition to my pared-back wardrobe.  It had been on the hunting-list for a while so I'm glad to have crossed that off!

Witchery dress & blazer
Mango shoes
Celine clutch

S' outfit

This poor dress has only been worn once before, and not even on a real outing.  Its Kate Middleton-vibe makes it quite difficult to wear;  too long for going "out", but too lacy to wear other places.  Finally an event came along, hurrah!

Op-shopped dress - can you believe it?
Betts shoes
Vintage bag

xx S&T


  1. Stunning, ladies! I honestly don't know how you afford your illustrious wardrobes as struggling students!

    1. Thanks anon :)
      I will admit we're not technically struggling haha - we both live at home, juggle part-time jobs when we're not studying, and also get some help from the government (so we're not such a burden on our parents!). Steph likes to thrift and we both are avid eBay hunters. We also like to save up then splurge, instead of using our money on frivolous trend-based items. We're also not big on eating out all the time and buying alcohol (a very rare occasion) so I guess we save in little bits that way, and it all adds up! That, and we choose carefully what to post on the blog ;) (I am, in fact, sitting here pant-less typing this reply to you - not quite so illustrious the majority of the time.)

      x Trish

    2. Trish. You shouldn't feel the need to justify yourself. You girls are wonderful. xxx

    3. Trudat - can't give all our secrets away.


  2. I want that silk dress & hose bright heels.


  3. More pics of the black Witchery dress would be much appreciated!

    1. You'll just have to wait until I wear it again, sorry!



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