

Mother's Day DIY: Ceramic Roses

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You've done it again - left that Mother's day present until last minute haven't you?  Fair enough, you say Mother's day is an overrated, commercialised grab at more sales.  True, but think of your mother!  Remember how you used to bring home haphazardly hand-made cards with teabags and pompoms from school to surprise her with?  Well lack of talent begone!  Amaze her with these super-easy ceramic roses and claim your position as her favourite child.

Get yourself a good chunk of clay or fimo.

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Pinch off a little ball, and roll that ball into a sausage.  Then flatten that sausage!

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Roll your flattened sausage into a scroll - this will become the bud of your rose.

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Grab another little blob of clay - about the size of an almond.  Roll it into an almond/carrot shape.

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Using your thumb, give it a smoosh into the palm of your hand and keep squishing until it resembles a petal shape.  Make it more petal-like by pinching the end and rolling out the lip.

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Start with small petals and squish these onto the bud.  Work your way around, overlapping the petals.  Make sure you squish the clay together well.

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Slowly increase the size of the petals as your rose blooms!

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Once you're sick of attaching petals, use some string, wire or dental floss to slice off the bottom to leave your rose with a flat base.

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Slam that thing into the oven (baking instructions as directed by your clay) or leave in the sun to dry, after which you might like to spray paint or spray gloss it.

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Give it to your mumma tomorrow!

xx T


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