

One of Them

Oh hey, S here.  
(That isn't me below, in case you still haven't figured out who's who.)

I think this outfit of T's looks like she has come on a direct flight from Fashion Week to a car park in Perth.  So classic, but so fashern... just the way we like it.  There aren't many people who can pull off leather pants, but when you're a naturally cool cat like T & have pants that fit just right, they can be so so good.  The effect is quite "too cool for school", which is fine, as T was not at school on this particular day.

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Le Fanciulle (9 of 36).jpg

Pants - Axara
Shoes & shades - Mango
Blouse - Country Road
Blazer - Witchery
Bag - Marc by Marc Jacobs

How do you wear your leather pants for day time?

xx S


  1. So so chic! I definitely wear my leather pants for day...actually I only wear them for day! Risk getting beer spilt on them at some club? Pass!

    1. That is so very true - why let bogans ruin your leather pants?? I'll take your advice and only wear mine during the day (and to civilised nocturnal outings hehe)!

      x T

  2. Such a babe! That outfit is totally Miranda Kerr. I love Steph's writing too, she absolutely cracks me up!

    1. Very much inspired by MK - I went through so many google searches of her in leather pants before I decided to get these!
      S literally talks like this as well. As you've noted haha


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