

2WW: Street Style to Clinical Clothes

Approximately 26.8% of our week is spent wearing "clinical clothing" to hospital.  Yes, I calculated that, and it surprised me that it wasn't more like 90% - which is exactly what it feels like.  What the heck is "clinical clothing" you ask?  Well it's essentially conservative working garb that you'd expect a doctor to wear - it has to be comfortable, functional (i.e. have pockets), and cover all your sexy bits or the elderly patients and staff will be up in arms over seeing your ankles.

Continuing on with our sartorial mission of investing in things you wear on a normal day, today's 2WW inspiration board zones in some ideas to spruce up your work wardrobe.  In our case, that's our hospital drobe (no, we sadly don't get to wear scrubs), and one we are eternally streamlining so that our early morning scramble is just a little bit easier.  We rummaged the interwebs for three street-style photos with elements that could be incorporated into nun-like hospital style, and present to you this: our 2WW guide to not looking so unfashionably sad at the hospital.


T's Inspiration:

Fine jewellery equates to less surface area - which means less surface for bugs to infect, right?
Also, the French Voguettes serve as the epitome of my hospital style - part je ne sais quoi, part I wanted to stay in bed for longer.  Geraldine and Emmanuelle repeatedly enforce my belief that wearing black on black is perfectly fine, all the time!


S's Inspiration

While I may be cursed with perfect vision and therefore automatically fail at the cute-nerd look, I am still able to work (and rework) quirky prints in my day to day outfits for just a little bit of preppy-cred.  Block colours and simple shapes keep these looks from becoming too outlandish.

Pictures via Vanessa Jackman, Tumblr & Stockholm Streetstyle 

Hopefully the above pics will prevent us from spiralling downwards into the black-pants-every-day abyss.

Do you have any workwear tips of your own?

xx S & T


  1. i ALWAYS choose comfort over sexy. and coloured blazers are an easy colour-add for an all black outfit.

    reckless abandon blog

    1. Coloured blazers! Must start my collection (S already has one of yours!!)


  2. Next: tips for clinical SHOES!!!!! Do comfortable, practical, durable AND aesthetically pleasing shoes exist? And if so, please share more about this holy grail of footwear.

    1. I have TWO pairs of said footwear at the moment! Will line this topic up for a post soon!

      x T

  3. Vintage dresses have been my go for years, and have really helped me survive the heat up here. They're generally short-sleeved (good for infection control), cute but modest cuts, roomy skirts for plenty of movement to chase after kids or crouch down in strange positions for procedures, and often have a great print! Ticks all round :)


    1. Not to mention you always look super cute in them, Sa!


  4. LOVE this post guys! I'm a physio in Melbourne and am constantly on the hunt for style inspiration to wear at work. It's surprisingly tricky trying to find stylish yet practical clothes that won't result in sexual innuendos when you bend forwards over a patient! Where do you guys shop generally??
    Thanks! Bec xx

    1. Hi Bec, thanks for commenting & glad you like the post!
      We have boiled our work/clinical wardrobes down to some good basics, which is a bit of an overused phrase at the moment, but works well for us. You can't really go past cropped beige chinos, a striped boat neck top and a cardigan/wool jumper when it comes to simple, classic style that is comfortable all day long :) Maybe we could do a post on practical outfits, if you think people are interested!

      Where we shop varies, but I suppose the usual suspects are Country Road, Witchery, Saba, online (think: asos, shopbop), recycling boutiques and of course some op shopping thrown in every so often. Then again, you can find affordable classic items nearly anywhere if you look :)

      Would love to write more on this topic in the future!
      Steph xx


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