

DIY Friday: Simple Sporty Tee #2


Excuse the repost of the above photo from our shoot last week, but there's something extra nifty about the above picture.  Both of the tees are DIYs!  (#1 was posted last week)
Yup, that's right, you can get in on the sporty tee craze without spending zillions.

Seeing as our free time is currently dying a scrub-cap death, only quick (not to mention cheap) DIYs are on the cards.
Today's tshirt is the quickest ever.  Barely even worth explaining.

Iron on letter ($3 from Spotlight)
Tshirt ($3 from Vinnies)
A functional iron

G Tshirt DIY
G Tshirt DIY
G Tshirt DIY
G Tshirt DIY
G Tshirt DIY

Voilà, your sporty tshirt for a measly $6.

You could make a whole word across the front or back, if you wished.  Another idea is to use large iron on numbers a la last year's project.  The possibilities are endless!

Happy weekend :)

xx S

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