

Eat Like an Egyptian

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Seeing as it's almost lunchtime here (and yes, I've only just dragged myself out of bed to post this), I feel this is a fitting post to motivate me to relocate to the kitchen for food.  Simon & I made our way to the Muse Cafe (tucked away behind the WA Museum) for some scrumptious high tea on Sunday.  Treats were inspired by the Museum's current Secrets of the Afterlife exhibition, which runs until the end of September for all you Egyptophiles.  Three rounds and a full pot of tea later, I was ready to hail a camel to take me home.  Thank goodness I had brought Simon along!

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Le Fanciulle (7 of 9).jpg
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Le Fanciulle (2 of 9).jpg
Le Fanciulle (8 of 9).jpg

Let's fez the facts, everyone loves a bit of baclava.
Which is why I sphinx you should check out the menu and book for a nice afternoon out!

Tut tut, sorry about the pun-overload, I'll stop now.

Many thanks to Niki & Rochelle,

xx T


  1. What a lovely write up! I would love to get in contact with you directly in regards to your images if that is possible. I work for the company that runs the muse cafe. if possible could you email me at Regards Lauren Smith 9221 4110.

  2. Your puns are too good - total crack up! Oh man, baklava, one of the many, many things I wish were not made from wheat. Looks like a lovely spread!

    Off topic question - when you write on your photos on your ipad is in in a particular app? I have a project pitch to do and would be over the moon if I could draw freehand onto a photo!

    1. Hahaha I only wish I was always that punny. Must have been the sugar-overload... And they have a GF option too!

      I've been using the "ArtRage" app on my ipad - I think it's like, $4 or something, and not so intuitive to work initially but once you get your head around it, it definitely does the trick!

      xx T

  3. Oh my goodness, it looked like a delicious day. Nom nom!

  4. Your puns made me literally laugh out loud, and now everyone in the office is staring at me... hahaha this looks amazing, I wish I could have gone *damn you work!* xxx


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