

Thrifty Finds: Boyfriend Jeans

A few weeks ago I said I'd start showing you my favourite (recent) op shop finds, yet I have done nothing of the sort.  For that, I am heartily sorry.  To beg your pardon, I present you with a closer peep at my boyfriend jeans that I bought very recently & have barely taken off.

Also, here is a photo of me taking a bathroom mirror dSLR selfie, the most embarrassing kind. (what has my life come to...)
However, if you can look past the awkward claw hand and downwards to my superfash jeans, that would be fab.


If you're looking to try out some boyfriend jeans, or just a different style of denim in general, I highly recommend trying op shops.  They are usually chocabloc full of jeans of all sizes and are a much cheaper way to test drive a style before you spend the big $$.

Remember!!  Jeans that you find in op shops can be cuffed / distressed / faded / dyed, but if they don't fit nicely on your booty, they're no good.

xx S


  1. I never thought of checking out op shops for jeans, such a great idea! I can imagine them being brimming with old larger style jeans - perfect!


  2. What a good tip - the pair you snapped up look great too! x
    PS. lol about the claw hand :)

  3. I am soooo overdue for an op shop day out and in desperate need of some new jeans hence making my only pair into a skirt after ripping them while saving lambs hahahaha


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