

Sweet As Candy

T & I have an abundance of occasions coming up which will require something special to wear, so we have had our eyes peeled for a while now looking for any gems that will lead us to sartorial success.  Event-dressing is harder than normal day wear, as you have a set dress code & time of day to work with, not to mention a budget!!

Although we hope to source outfits from our existing 'drobes as much as possible (not fans of one-wear items), the delicate blue lace dress in Lover's first ever campaign caused me to become acutely enamoured with pastels... and off I went on a little rampage to see what the www had in store.

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flats, pink dressbag, blue dress

(T bought me the above candle for my birthday!  Lucky me!  Now I just need a picturesque white house covered in bunches of peonies so I can burn it in style.)

Do you have any places you can count on for event dressing?  We'd love to hear your ideas :)

xx S


  1. I love this post! I have a pretty special event coming up which I think calls for a one wear item (not really a fan either) but I haven't had any luck yet. I'll be posting about it next weekish!
    & glasshouse candles are the best! I love the caramel brûlée scent.

    The Fashann Monster

    1. There are always more classic options for "one wear" items that can transform them into something you'll wear again! Although sometimes it can't be helped. (and it's fun getting special things anyway hehe)
      Looking forward to reading your post!
      Steph xx

  2. I'm doing just that at this exact moment! I'm definitely looking out for something special AND versatile so that it will not end up being a one-wear item and collect dust in the wardrobe after the event.

  3. Momo's in Inglewood - for serious, really good beautiful occasion pieces there, I'm always pleasantly surprised by the cheapness (and given that you're both tiny will have the pick of the crop!)


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