

Rant: Summer Style Rut

Richard Nicoll ss12 London

Richard Nicoll SS'12 -

Today I'd just like to voice my frustrations over the curse that is Summer "style".  Note that my constant disgruntled demeanour primarily stems from the low-yield street-style-hunting outings in the name of Sportsgirl's Style Snaps over the past month, and the burning sunshine which ruins such photos & renders me a constant sweaty mess.  With no options for layers & the omnipresent sweat-patch-development fear (yeah, marle grey was a bad choice), I am currently feeling uninspired by both my fellow Perth-dwellers and my own style.  Call it seasonal style-dysthymia if you will (S will recall our lamentations from back in early 2013), but does anyone else apart from us two feel like there's just a rut in terms of awesome things to wear at the moment?

Thanks to last year's "style cleanse" that took the blogosphere (and us) along on a breton-striped, basics-only ride, I would love to say that the rebound rags on offer would be even more appealing.  But we're just not feeling it.  S mentioned last week that she's struggling to find things that she wants to wear, & I guess I'm in the same boat too.  Uniform dressing only cuts it for a short while until you're bored with basics... & it also makes for some pretty banal blog-fodder unless you keep updating your collection.  (Note that you also can't wear leather on leather in 30 degrees lest you desire some heat stroke.  It's just not do-able!)

That said, the countless problems that mindless consumerism creates far outweigh the potential monotony of the investment dresser, so I definitely know which path I want to take when it comes to bolstering my out-of-hospital gear this year and beyond.  Quality over quantity folks, and choosing items that suit me & my body.  And with the weather cooling down (hopefully) soon, I know I won't be alone when it comes to enjoying layering & long sleeves.  To be honest, I'm probably just sick of seeing droopy bottoms and saggy boobs!  Add to that a lack of weather-appropriate inspiration from my favourite European & American blogs, plus a whole lot of inappropriately-exposed bikini/underwear clad Aussie bloggers has made for some lacklustre inspiration on thirty-degree days!

Darling Perth, will you be better for my street-style hunts when the weather cools down?  

Better yet, can someone please tell me what "Summer style" for Australia is? (apart from my 3-outfit-rotation boring-ass solution?)



  1. I can definitely understand the uninspiring Perth street style. Just be thankful you don't live in Mandurah where it's all denim cut-offs so short buttocks is exposed & tube tops in those tacky "Skunk Wear" prints. I love summer for it's ease of dressing but I can't wait to be able to throw on an extra layer & not much rings truer than quality over quantity.

    The Fashann Monster

    1. Hahaha arghhhh denim undies (dundies apparently)! The bane of my existence. It's just too hot for layers, yes, but whatever happened to awesome prints, sun-dresses, and accessories??

  2. Maybe it's time to invest in some great jewellery? I think they make a whole lot of difference, to me at least :) x

    1. Great tip Mun - I was actually considering picking up my jewellery game after seeing plenty of thin chains etc on some (far & few in-between) inspiration pictures!

  3. Sing it sister! I wonder if I'll ever grow immune to the shock I feel every time I'm confronted with teeny bopper ass cheeks hanging out of denim cut-offs in the CBD... P.S. I just changed out of a sweat-soaked marled grey T-shirt (hows that for an image) so I feel you on that one! ^


    1. Mmmm juvie butt-hangs. It's a sight to behold.
      And I'm loving the mental image of that sweaty tee hahaha - I strategically wore stripes today so the sweat-patches would be more camouflaged ;)


  4. I hear you with the uninspired street style thing- I have been working in the city for a few weeks and I can not say that anyone turned my head for any good reason. I did see some literal denim underwear though- that was so disturbing. I didn't know those 'shorts' could get that short. Ew. I gotta also warn you that I have entered another contract with a Swimwear brand to review and shoot for the blog. Sorry! I will never do them in the vain of trying to be a sexy swimwear model- haha. I am just me, and have been aiming to share in the same way I would another of my outfit posts. Just an every day dork who once or twice a month in summer goes to the beach/ needs good swim wear to work out in the lap pool in. If you think they turn out awful let me know! I have def seen some bloggers doing things this summer that had me raging (how is that fashion??) as well. xx


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