

Outfit: Plaid

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Flannel, the unofficial Aussie uniform.  Yes, it actually reminds me of this golden video as does the good old navy wife-beater (blue bonds singlet - don't freak out, non-Australians) - the sort of garb (& behaviour) that frequented my second ever job as a feeble extra set of hands at a giant hardware conglomerate.  Fish out of water perhaps?

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Bogan-chic or country-western-wannabe, the truth of the matter is that I have found the perfect boyfriend jeans (for me).  Nobody Denim, you make a fine pair of ratty trousers.

Uniqlo shirt
Nobody Denim boyfriend jeans
MNG sunglasses & heels
Country Road bag
Thrifted belt



  1. I effing love the casual nature of this outfit!

    1. Hehehe thanks Mon! Casual is pretty much all I wear now. (including scrubs, which are pretty much pyjamas)


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