I guess today's post is fitting for a throw-back Thursday (#tbt #erhmergerd #fashunnnn), and at the present I am on day eleven of twelve days in a row at work. The light at the end of the tunnel is there! My brain is beginning to get soggy around the edges and all I want to do is lie on the floor and stare at the ceiling! Ahhh, the working #lyfe. I guess I'll just have to live vicariously through my Singapore photos and pine for the golden week of leave in a couple of months. So soon, but so far away...
I was in S-town a couple of weeks ago for a junket conference (I jest! I swear I attended and learnt things.) which of course meant the extra days I had there were spent trawling the shoppes, visiting the zoo and Sentosa, and eating everything under the sun with Simon. Food recommendations to come since that was Simon's (food)-baby, but today are just some pretty pictures after the jump to convince you that making the 5-hour plane ride is very much worth it!