

Travel: Sydney Photo Diary


Sorry dudes but you'll have to wait with bated breath for more wedding photos as Tasj has some scheming going on!  Boo, yes, because wedding photos are one of my favourite things to peruse and I bet it's the same for you - all the glorious flowers, the dresses, the cake, and THE FLOWERS.  If I could have $4k worth of flowers around me every day I would.  I bet I would also be single-handedly making up the Perth sales of Nasonex and Telfast, which wouldn't be as great but hey, FLOWERS.  

However, we shall move forward and fill this little bloggy with other photos of adventures, beginning with my post-wedding trip to Sydney.  No, not officially part of the honeymoon as I was busy nerding it up HARD at a conference.  But there's always time to have breakfast, and always gaps in the academic program (i.e. days to wag) to go to Bondi...


Notable awesome places we visited:
- Taronga Zoo: there's not many places where you can see a chimpanzee poop into it's hand and eat it
- The Grounds of Alexandria - Perth, we need a place like this!  And we also need Lil' Sebastian!
- Hurricanes Ribs (for the ribs of course)
- The Chop House (also for more food - the steak was gooood)
- Darling Point - for a leisurely walk amongst some very expensive real estate
- Tuchuzy at Bondi - finally seeing my online window-shopping addiction in the flesh 


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