

My Latest Loot - Exam Edition!

Akin to Margaret, saving-goals go out the window when it comes to exam time in an effort to stay sane.  Thank goodness, this year I made myself a list of things to curate my perfect wardrobe (more on that later!) so mindless online shopping wasn't so mindless after all.  This year it's back to basics - goodbye random impulse buys!


Went a bit nuts at my all time favourite, Country Road (and big-sister Trenery), scooping up some striped tops and shoes.  Then on my walk back from the hospital, I wound up in the Saba outlet store and couldn't leave without that darned blazer...

Back to basics (2 of 4)
Back to basics (3 of 4)

Shop it here!

Now excuse me whilst I mop up my runny nose and hit the books again!

xx T  


  1. Qué buenas compras ...
    Un besazo

  2. lovely outfit. love the flats, they look comfortable.

  3. perfect outfit. what more could you want?

    1. Some pants are probably needed haha, but agreed - pretty stock standard perfect in my books!
      Thanks for stopping by :)

      xx T


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