

Shiver Me Timbers

Screen Shot 2012-11-07 at 5.24.29 PM

Topshop Hat, Topshop leather SkirtJumper, Tony Bianco Boots, Gorman sunglasses, Topshop chunky scarf, Saba sling bag, Topshop coat & leather gloves

For a serious planned-packing fiend like me, the contents of my suitcase for my upcoming trip are going to be terribly impromptu.  Crazy exam study is taking precedence over my usual elaborate outfit plans, so it's going to be a case of packing a billion warm basics in neutral colours.  

*Fingers crossed* the combinations turn out something like the one above.  
Believe it or not, there are things I'd rather be doing in Europe in place of shopping to prevent frostbite.

Note to Santa: I need that leather skirt. Need, not want.

xx S

1 comment:

  1. I'm in the same-ish situation, and actually about to cry with the thought of having to pack for winter while we are in a blistering summer!! Good luck to you! And good luck getting that leather skirt - amazeballs! ;) xo

    poison in a beautiful bottle


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