

Public Coat-pinion Poll

My online coat shopping browsing for next week's UK landing has hit an all-time high, with Zara proving to be a crowd pleaser.  But then again, what's new pussycat!?

Anyway, the coat that is eventually purchased needs to be just right if I'm going to stay on the financial straight & narrow (i.e. not buy multiple coats) & it has been ruled down to 3 "coat genres" so far: Classic black/navy, Military style or a sensible puffer.

classic coat
khaki jacket
Classic navy coat, Khaki Military coat, Black Sensible puffer coat - all Zara

Questions, comments, queries, suggestions, bullying statements, notes of love & wisdom are all welcome. 

xx S

PS: Mon did a great round up here of Day 2 of Blackout.  Check it out for some colourful outfit inspiration.


  1. i love the first amazing!great colours and designs.this is the style i want!

  2. Classic black! With military as a close second :)

    1. Yeah I agree with you, sensible brain is saying "GET THE PUFFER" but I think cool brain might win this one :)
      Thaaaaanks ST :) xx

  3. Def the classic, it wld suit u better. If not, the military! :)

  4. Oooooh, totally digging that middle coat, but I have a feeling you could pull any of these off! Lisa Xx

  5. ALL OF THEM! ALL OF THEM! Okay, I'm sorry Steph, but I'm just as excited to rage into the closest Zara and fill 20 bags with 20 different coats and blazers. But in all seriousness, go classic! I bought a massive oversized parka for the Canadian cities, but I think most of the time I'll be wearing my snowboarding jackets (even the parka can't survive -30!). Looking forward to see what you buy - oh the shopping is going to be glorious!


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