

Take Flight: Challenger Tafe Grad Show 2012

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It's no secret that our favourite PFF show this year was student runway, and it was a pleasure to be invited to check out the graduate shows.  Mind you, we couldn't attend any of them because of exams except for the Challenger Tafe show...  But we're so happy we got to see it since Phoebe and her course mates put on a great parade!  

You can check out the full photoset on our flickr - after the jump below is just a sample of what was on show from each of the 11 graduating students.  Well done guys!

Chenoah Diagne

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Mia Jones

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Phoebe Barratt

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(sorry Phoebe - had to include this photo haha)

Danelaw Court Peterson

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Aqueela Isaacs

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Crystal Donald

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Kate Bolin

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Shannen Barton

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Asha Davidson

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Kate Goodlet

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Klara Spoelstra

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A huge congratulations to all the Challenger students, and special mentions to Mia Jones who scooped up a fair few prizes, and Phoebe for inviting us along!  All the best for your design careers - we'll be keeping an eye out for your names in next year's press :)

Don't forget to check out all the photos here.

xx S & T


  1. Beautiful! I can never make it to any of these shows so I rely on all the bloggers to post the best bits...thanks guys, loved looking through the collections :)
    Adelle x


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