


Le Fanciulle (4 of 11).jpg

Here was what I wore for Pippa McManus' exhibition opening night (post here).  It's a very simple outfit, which reminds me that I should show you what I've managed to reduce my wardrobe to post-cull!

The large agate slice is similar to the one S has - we went on an internet shopping rampage over exams, which resulted in many recent acquisitions including this.  It's solidly crafted out of a polished slice of Brazilian agate, and to be honest, wearing it makes you feel like a total winner since it has the weight a medal.  We've dubbed it our "medallions of power".  Insert enthusiastic fist pumps and exaggerated consonants.
Le Fanciulle (6 of 11).jpg
Le Fanciulle (5 of 11).jpg

Thanks Laura for the photos!

Saba silk shirt
Review skirt 
Agate slice necklace - similar here & here
Marc by Marc Jacobs bag
Python print heels - thrifted

xx T

P.S. heading to the William Street Illuminites night markets tonight!  Will we see you there? :)

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