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2, 6. The Little Press
3. Fat Shan Records
4. White Square
5. Bone Jacked Vintage (I think)
7. Paper Sparrows
8. I think this was by The Tiny Little Girl
9. There was a walk-in snow globe!!
10. More pretty things by another seller.  Should have brought a note book. *Edit* it's Caspa Creations - thanks Cassie!
12, 13. Brenton See Wood Art
14. Zemlja
15. Legitimate Perth City

Friday nights are proving less lifeless in Perth; it seems that a considerable collective of creatives and people in high places have taken it upon themselves to dig little Perth out of its slumber!    On Friday night, Sinead, Jenelle and I had a grand time perusing the stalls of the OnWilliam Illuminites Night Markets.  There were plenty of treasures to be found, and all made by some very creative local hands!  Unfortunately for our rumbling tummies, food ran out...  But our luck didn't run out because across the bridge and outside the GPO were the food markets which have popped up recently!  Bratwurst and many other mystery meats were had, and we were feeling pretty jolly after that.

Also spotted at the markets were Sarah of The Silver Lining, and fellow Restyler Lisa of Hug-Sized (the PFF poster-girl of the Illuminite markets!).  

Oh Perth, how you've grown!

xx T


  1. Hi! Some stunning photos you took! Just to let you know number 7 is Caspa Creations (tags) :) xx

  2. Amazing photos :) I didn't end up buying anything but now looking back on all these pictures I am totally wishing I did (especially that Zemlja notepad)! xx

    1. Thanks Shell!

      Sinead ended up getting one of the notepads - they're pretty good!!


  3. why aren't you posting any diys lately? seriously, your looks aren't very good and nobody cares about events you go to, so would you mind to concentrate on what you are (at least a kind of) good at?

    1. Lol post a pic of your face so T can DIY that

    2. Hi anonymous,

      Thanks for your feedback on our blog - unfortunately we can't please everyone but we hope to get back to DIYs soon! Hope you have a great Christmas :)

      x T

  4. wow anon, that was a super constructive comment.

    1. i believe it was - he/she didn't just say that everything is bad, but also complimented sth

    2. It's fine - it's good to know what's working and what isn't!

      Cheers guys xx

  5. Hi there I came across some photos of myself and screenshot them to show off. I hope you don't mind. They are great photos
    Brenton See


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