


Le Fanciulle (19 of 28).jpg

And so it is time for S & I to part ways for the Summer - for a whole TWO MONTHS nonetheless!  

Le Fanciulle (21 of 28).jpgLe Fanciulle (20 of 28).jpg

This post is just a heads-up to let you know what will be going on - if you hadn't already picked up on our hints, we'll be off on our medical electives!  S is leaving for Scotland tomorrow (boo hoo - leaving me on my lonesome) and I shall be off to Cambodia at the end of the month.  Which means that we will be blogging from halfway across the globe, and our dear little lefanch will be more of a travel blog!  

Be sure to tune in for updates to check if we're still alive :)

Happy travels to you too if you're heading abroad!

xx T


  1. Have fun in Scotland/Cambodia! I did my elective in Edinburgh - such a beautiful beautiful city but oh so coooold...You must visit it though if you're not elective-ing there!


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