

Pippa McManus - With Flowers in Their Hair

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Pippa McManus is fast becoming one of Perth's household names in the realm of fashion, and with her newest collection on show at 140 William Street, it's not hard to see why.  Last night, I had the pleasure of attending the opening of Pippa's latest exhibition, "With Flowers in Their Hair".  As you can see below in the photos, the detail is amazing (as expected), and most of the paintings were snapped up within minutes of the doors opening!  

Have a peruse of the shots below, and if you're in Perth, make sure you make your way to the exhibition which runs until the 21st of December.  And be sure to check out her blog or her facebook page for more info and artwork (or even to commission yourself something!).  

There is just something about the way she does the eyes that makes the paintings so enchanting to look at.

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And of course the lovely lady herself:

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Like what you see?  Get yourself down to 140 William Street Perth, to see the pieces in real life!
And in the meantime, here's the links to Pippa's facebook and blog.

Bravo, Pippa - you've blown us away again!

xx T

P.S. Some outfit & street-style pictures this afternoon - check back in at lunch time!


  1. omg they are all amazing!wow!!!
    really like them.

  2. Pippa's pop-up gallery is easily the best thing about walking to and from work every day (I could stand there for hours looking at the details in her magnificent fashion illustrations). One day I'd love to commission her!

  3. Those are so beautiful!

  4. This are really amazing paintings ! When does she goes to France ? ;)


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