

Dreaming & Birthdays

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Being on a break means that we can do what we like on a jam-packed Friday night!  Well, not really if there's family dinners to attend and work the next morning, but you get what I mean.  First stop last night was the exhibition opening of Francesca Gnagnarella.

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The talented and beautiful Francesca opened the exhibition at the SIMA Art Gallery in Times Square, Claremont.  Earthy hues and lots of gold were fitting of the "Dreaming in Colour" collection title - we were very impressed.  So too, it seems, were a few of the guests since apparently all the paintings have been sold already!  Congratulations Francesca on a successful opening night, and thank you for inviting us along!

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After S ran off for dinner, my next stop was the first birthday celebrations for the Steph Audino Label!  She blew us away with her flattering and feminine collection at PFF earlier this year - you can check out the runway pictures in this post.

Happy birthday to your label Steph - you've put in so much hard work this year and it has payed off!  All the best for 2013 where I'm sure we'll see your stunning work go from strength to strength :)

Also, Emily Howlett, please don't kill me over the photo below haha. 

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Last, but not least, was the bohemian birthday celebration Leanne (of A Fashion Junkie).

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Sorry L - you're blur-tastic which is why you're in a tiny picture!
My sentiments towards my new camera are going to be aired on this blog soon...

Hope you all got up to something fun on your Friday night!
Outfit posts to come during the week ahead :)

xx T

P.S. This is for Greg:

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