

Mega Mix

Le Fanciulle (13 of 17).jpg
Le Fanciulle (12 of 17).jpg
Le Fanciulle (9 of 17).jpg
Blazer - Zara from Jas, Tshirt - Marcs, Shorts - customised Cue from Jessie, Scarf - from my brother, Hat - belongs to T, Slippers - DIY.  

The dangly earrings, mixed prints & crazy bright colours in this outfit really give it a school-art-teacher vibe, which I'm not opposed to.  I love when outfits are made up of things found all over the place, not just the latest "stuff" in the shops that every girl and her chihuahua could buy.

Recite after me "I will not be a fashion clone".

xx S


  1. Such a cute outfit, I love that pink blazer :) Also love that second shot of you Steph, so pretty!


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