

2WW: White Shirt Day

In honour of White Shirt Day, today's 2 Way Wednesday features, well, white shirts.

I'd love to write a long adjective-ful paragraph about how we look quite fabuloso in these outfits without overtly saying we look fabuloso, but tiredness has zapped all creativity from my brain, so just scroll below & judge for yourself.  We may not even look fabuloso at all.

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S (left) in basic white cotton.
T (right) with her asymmetrically buttoned white silk shirt.

Please note we got a little carried away in the flowers, hence the crazy flowery portraits.

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Attacked by flowers!  Arghhhh!

T's Outfit
Sportsgirl maxi dress (DIY gathering/ruching)
YSL arty ring (thank you Simon!)
Le Specs "Runaways"
Gorman clogs
Scanlan & Theodore belt

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S trying to be a serious model & then realising she's failing.

S' outfit
Op shopped shirt & skirt
Handmade necklace
Country Road ballet flats
Le Specs "Runaways"
YSL Arty ring - stolen from T

If you don't already have a white shirt, Witchery has provided you with some guilt-free shopping here.

Go forth & shop for a cure.

xx S&T

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  1. Love these pictorials! Both you girls looked gorgeous!

    accidental encounters

  2. Love the asymmetrical buttoning!

  3. I find these outfits so cute; I love T's statement belt and S' unique necklace! Have a great weekend :)

    1. Thanks Tara! A bit late, but hope you had a good weekend too

  4. Thanks Elien for your kind words!

  5. "I'd love to write a long adjective-ful paragraph about how we look quite fabuloso in these outfits without overtly saying we look fabuloso"

    This is why I love you girls.


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