

Decorate & DIY: Hanging Terracotta Pots

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Le Fanciulle (2 of 11).jpg

I can't say that my room is particularly small, but with all the additional bits of furniture I've acquired it is increasingly difficult to find places for bits and bobs (without being a *little* bit untidy and enraging my mother dearest).  Which is why I've recently taken to optimising my wall-space to clear up some room!  Plus, hanging clothing on walls is an easy way to decorate your room and save on artwork, whilst being able to change it up as much as you like.  You see that Ellery dress in the first picture?  Scored it for a bargain, so it's going to have prime-position on my wall for some time so I can revel in my success.   

Here's a DIY that goes along with this hanging-stuff business; all made with cheap materials too!  Save yourself some desk-space for more important things, like DIY-ing.


Rustle up the ingredients: little terracotta pots (or you could use mason jars, etc.), ribbon or twine, and some wall hooks (stick-on or screw-in - your choice).

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Tie securely so you don't end up with a hot cracked mess.
Hang up and fill with things!  The hole at the bottom of the terracotta pots is conveniently-sized for the iPhone 5 charging cable as well.

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xx T


  1. Oh my god... they're AMAZING! I love love love them... perfect for holding your phone, I always lose mine at home :D xx

    Gemma ♥ | Miss Makeup Magpie

    1. Thanks Gem! I've found they're just the right size for fitting all those fiddly bits off the desk!


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