

2WW: Le Breton

The breton top.

Also known as the most classic classic of all time, currently the torso-cover of choice for girls as far from Paris as Australia.  That includes us, of course.  Where would we be without our striped tops?  Well, T would probably come up with an equally cool solution, but S would most likely be nude.  Rumour has it she does not own any non-stripey tops.

So ah, moving along nicely...

As with all things basic, having lots of sneaky outfit-changing methods up your sleeve comes in handy, especially when you're justifying purchasing a second/third/n'th variation on the theme.  Which is why we bring you today's 2 ways to wear a stripey top.

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T Wore
Zara camo pants - last seen here
Saba Kylie striped top
Bloch ballet flats

S Wore
Trenery stripe top - last seen here
Nobody jeans
Witchery belt
Country Road shoes
Mulberry bag

Nice synchronised hair growing, girls.  Time to hit up the ol' coiffuer.

xx S&T


  1. I spy UWA haha! I think stripes and jeans has pretty much become my uniform over winter

    1. Hehe you spy correctly! S & I were back on campus (such a rare occasion!!) to shoot yearbook photos and this naturally happened.
      Stripes and blue jeans - whilst being such a rampant combo at the moment - is a pretty darn useful uniform I have to admit. If only every blogger and her cat wasn't perpetually wearing the same thing! Oh well, fashun is fashun.

  2. Heya!
    Lauren here (not sure if you remember me, but I'm one of the dents who occasionally drops by at med gatherings!)
    Just found your blog and am loving it! ...although I've just realised that I don't own a single stripey top... I think I'll have to do something about that! hehe :) Thank you for opening my eyes!


    1. Hi Lauren!!

      Thanks for your lovely feedback - we hope you keep on enjoying it!
      But... NO STRIPE TOPS? It's the solution to our clinical-wear conundrum!! You've got to get yourself at least one - Saba does a good one that comes in a few varieties, but make sure you snap it up on sale because they've overpriced it. Nonetheless, quite a workhorse in both of our wardrobes!

      x T


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