

DIY Supplies: Leather Sewing

During these holidays (which are now drawing to a close!!!), I wanted so desperately to knock out some DIYs so that we wouldn't be stuck on a dry-run whilst S & I start our surgery rotation.  Helloooo early starts and late finishes.  Unfortunately, being in the financial pickle that I am almost inevitably in, I had to put shopping for DIY supplies lower down on my priorities list so I could spoil S for her birthday, and indulge in bulk-packs of berries.  Oh if only I had a real paying job!  Only 6 months to go...

Anyway, once I pay off the necessities and stow away some savings from my tax return, I will be feeding my current obsession with hand-made leather goods.  If you recall these DIY projects (1 & 2), you'll know that I love a good challenging crafternoon every once in a while.  The issue is when you try to work with leather, it is advisable to have the right tools.  That was a fact I ignored last year.  So perhaps my projects will be more successful this time when I invest in these bits and bobs - BEHOLD:  


Pictures from Tandy Leather, although I'm probably going to be supporting local when I buy!

For those experienced leather-crafters out there, what do you think?  Have I covered everything I'll need to start out?

Details when I get my loot!
And suggestions for what I should make are welcome :)

xx T


  1. looks good to me! but im not an expert! hahah xx

    1. Oh well, wish me luck! (and wish my tax return hurries up and lands in my account soon)

  2. Oh my god I wisdh I could commit to doing a DIY like this, sounds exciting, I look forward to seeing your finished projects x

    1. I'll be posting as I go so you'll have an idea of how good or awry it gets haha! It'll also give you an indication whether or not it's worth committing to :P

  3. Oh, to have or make time to play with these things! I have sewed leather on the machine before, but not by hand. Keen to see the results of your toiling! x

    1. Yeah, my machine is just not up to the task of sewing leather without mauling my precious hides, so I'm going to go all S on it and hand-sew. I hope it goes okay too!

  4. I've been dreaming up a few leather-based DIYs too. Finding decent leather is my first hurdle. I have a leather/upholstery needle and that's about it haha.

  5. So profesh, that looks like a wicked kit. I look forward to seeing what you make! Clutches/belts/sunnies cases/ipad sleeve/mini skirt/visor/anything/everything?!! (I would like to see some DIYs to work in with your work wardrobes. Stethoscope pouch??)

  6. I'll definitely be checking back for your leather DIYs!x


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