
My Latest Loot: The Adventures of a Bored S!

This loot shoot is a prime example of why I should not loiter aimlessly in the city. Blame P, he kept me waiting!! And as a result, I came a cross a new(ish) little accessorie shop in the city called Lovisa. It is a treasure trove of bargains and is like Diva, minus the dice earrings and plastic bangles.

I can already tell that much money will be spent there...

After that, I was clearly not satisfied. And buying 2 hair accessories in one day was not enough...so I ventured to my local op-shop on the way home.

A pristine white silk scarf I came across. I think it just about completes my rainbow collection!!

A metallic slinky t-shirt that will come in handy for a simple night-time outfit.

More loot next week...I HOPE!

xx S

*Note from T: S did get more loot today at the Mt Claremont Vinnies!!*


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