

Instead of WWJD, today's topic of discussion is WDDW? What Do Doctors Wear?

T&I have been specially commissioned (read: casually suggested) to do a post on what to wear for uni now that we are in the hospital full time. T's registrar guiltily admitted to Googling 'what do doctors wear' before starting her placement. (So did I, shhhh!!)

Clinical clothing is not casual clothing OR office wear, but somewhere in the awkward middle ground, which is highly annoying. Soooo, to please our friends, we have polyvore-d it up and made some clin-spirational (sorry!!) collages for you all!

Little touches of girliness like the pussybow blouse and a flowery headband make sure no one mistakes us for boys ;)

This set is a little bit wishful, but maybe one day we'll be able to afford an LV laptop case!!  Perhaps this set should be called "What do Consultants Wear?"

+ a warm cardigan for hospital aircon!!


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