
Green Machine

UntitledNewest acquisitions

A huge celebration went off (in my head, with just me) when Pantone announced that the colour of the year was emerald green.  It's my favourite colour and has been freaking hard enough to come by in shops until now, so you can expect that my wardrobe will be all greened-out by the time 2014 rolls in.

Shopping in Cambodia isn't the best to be honest - there aren't the usual Asian mega-malls on every street corner, and the markets are akin to a rabbit-warren full of fake duds.  However, once in a while you stumble upon some sartorial gold green, like this carry-all from a sweet little shop in Phnom Penh.  Guaranteed to get a work-out this year as my new uni bag!

With my new stripped-back wardrobe, I find the best way to introduce trends and 'in' colours is to do it with accessories.  That way, I can spend more on good quality clothes in lasting cuts, instead of indulging in one-season looks.  Yup, last year's new years resolution is still going strong here; quality over quantity!


My latest Cambodian loot:

Silk scarves from the markets
Tote bag from Esquisse
Sunglasses from VNC

xx T

P.S. Speaking of green awesome things, if you're a size 10 then there's these very cool lambskin-leather shorts on sale here!!  I'd buy them in a heartbeat if they were my size...


  1. Love that shade of green! Great bag xxx


  2. Finally, a colour I can wear! Don't get me wrong, orange is one of my favourite colours, just not on me. Add me to the extensive list of fashion-lovers coveting the colour of the year.

  3. Wow you really struck gold at our favourite/only shops in Phnom Penh! I'm so glad green is in...I'm looking forward to looking like a tree for 2013!

    1. I just kept going back weekly to sort out my shopping-fix and managed to find all this stuff. Being a tree is the best


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