
DIY Jenny Packham Clear Frame Bag

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Get your crafty mitts out again today for our Jenny Packham Spring 2013 RTW-inspired clear bag!  It's a bit more complex than the current cut-fold-&-stud DIYs making the rounds, but the end result is something you can be proud of.  Yup, all the better for showing off your Bal wallet.

DIY Jenny Packham PVC Frame Bag

You'll need:
Clear PVC - mine is 0.5mm thick.
Purse frame - mine was salvaged from my poor vintage Bally who died, but you can find these in all good craft stores.
Scissors, ruler, pegs, sewing machine.
Good glue - I chose to use Locite Epoxy because it can stick to metal & plastics.

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I used Caila Made's guide to come up with a pattern to fit my bag frame.  She shows you how to make a pattern for any sized frame!  Cut your pattern out of PVC - to avoid having to make a seam on the base, I flipped the pattern and made the bottom part join together so I'd only have one piece to work with.

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Fold your pattern in half so it matches up.  Sew both the short side edges together only.
My dodgy sewing machine could handle it so I'm sure yours will too.

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To make your bag have a flat base, you'll have to box the corners by folding them flat like in the pictures.  Caila Made's ones are here for more reference.  Sew along the edge and trim the tip off.

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Now turn your bag the right way out so the seams are inside.  Here comes the fiddly bit - fitting the edges into the metal frame to check if it fits.

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Using your glue of choice, carefully and slowly pipe adhesive into the groove in the frame.  Push the corresponding PVC pattern into the groove with the glue, and use pegs to hold it in place whilst the glue sets.  Work slowly and do it in small sections!  Once you've done one side, leave it to dry for a while before coming back to do the other side - the worst thing is if the PVC flicks out of the groove, getting glue all over the place.

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Once you're finished with gluing, leave your bag to dry.  Once semi-dry, I also used pliers to clamp the frame narrower, just to make sure the PVC was secure.  Just be careful not to damage your metal frame.

Et voila!

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You can also add crystals and diamantes with strong glue like Jenny Packham's.

xx T


  1. Oh my gosh! This is so incredible! You are too talented!

  2. omg, WHAT?! You're definitely not just a pretty face!!! This is seriously so clever :)

  3. Amaze-balls! Love it! So talented Miss T!

  4. This is amazing! It looks so well done! I would definitely love to try it out!

  5. Super impressive DIY. But in saying that it's a little hypocritical - crying foul about chain stores like Sportsgirl ripping off designers when you're teaching readers to do the same.

    1. Hey Anonymous,

      Thanks for your comment. I see how you may think it's hypocritical to make designer-inspired DIYs, but we don't see it that way. There's a very thick line between how chain stores sell mass produced designer rip offs for very little cost and the making of a DIY. I'm finding hard to articulate why they are so different, but I honestly feel that a craft project inspired by a designer/"ripping off a designer" as you say, is not doing a disservice to their product. (Especially when we discover the project is fricken impossible and abandon ship! That definitely teaches us a lesson about the craftsmanship involved!)

      Again, interesting point raised.

      Steph x

  6. BLINKIN' HECK that is a stellar effort! I made a frame clutch as present once, 10 years ago, and have never attempted again. Looks ace, patience paid off.

    I agree about DIYing not being the same as knocking off - my values tell me 'buy as close to the source as possible' so if buying the real thing is 100% not an option then making it yourself, appreciating the time taken to produce something, using your own skills is a far superior option to just grabbing the $19.99 version that has a whole chain of command endorsing the practice of ripping off and mass producing.

    1. Cheers C! I reckon fabric would be easier because you could jam it into the frame and it wouldn't pop out the other side. But it wasn't too bad - I just had a crapload of pegs!

      I agree - I clearly cannot afford the stuff I like (let's hope that changes next year...!), but doing DIY versions makes me appreciate just how much skill it takes to draft something from scratch and make it!

      Hope you had a stellar time overseas :D

      xx T

  7. "DIY Jenny Packham Clear Frame Bag" likely refers to a project or tutorial for creating a clear frame bag inspired by the designer Jenny Packham. Why Game Lagging It's a creative endeavor that allows individuals to craft their own fashionable accessory.


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