
Midi Magic

I'm not one to usually develop girl-crushes on other fashionable ladies strutting the streets (because frankly, there aren't that many lurking around hospitals where we spend most of our time).  Let alone older ladies!  However, a certain dietitian lurking around the wards has caught my eye with her style.  

Midi-skirts plus tan-coloured knee high boots?  
Clearly over fifty??  

If I had to choose someone to take home the prize for being appropriately-dressed-for-her-age-but-still-oozing-mega-coolness, it would be this lady.  She might have just converted me to maybe one day trying out midi-skirts.
(My current predicament is that mega-muscles forbid me from attempting anything that ends at my calves.  Ok, they're not totally mega, but you would say they're "athletic"...)

midi with boots
The only picture I could find that somewhat represented her outfit on Monday.  From Asos.com (sold out)

To further perpetuate the move to more mature-aged dressing, a midi-skirt in the window of Jacqui-E caught our eye the other day.  For those who are not familiar with this shop, it caters for 30+yo ladies.  Not on our list of regular haunts just yet, but they seem to be churning out some really cool pieces!

midi magic

Harlow pleat skirt - our absolute favourite.  So tempted to just get it.
All from Jacqui-E


xx T


1 comment:

  1. Thats so cool, haven't seen anyone rocking this look around.


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