
Restyle: 78 Reasons

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This outfit is chockers full of S's DIY projects!

DIY Details
S was hankering to do a number t-shirt - thank goodness for Restyle giving us another reason to DIY!
The leather patch pants are another way to cash in on the leather-patch trend.  Why have them on your elbows only?
Inspired by a Louboutin bag (here), S's studded chain bag also incorporated scrap leather from one of my DIYs.

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Le Fanciulle (12 of 76).jpg
Le Fanciulle (13 of 76).jpg
Le Fanciulle (14 of 76).jpg

Photos by Sab

DIY number tee - Drug Arm ($3)
DIY leather patch pants - Vinnies ($6)
DIY studded chain bag - Vinnies ($5)
Sneakers - Converse

xx T

PS: [S hijacking the post here.] T, I LOVE YOUR HAIR IN THIS!
Please comment & help me convince T to keep short hair forever ;)

[T re-hijacking the post: NO COMMENTS!  Therefore I guess everyone wants me to have long hair again!]

1 comment:

  1. I'm signing/starting the short hair and girl tux to med dinner petition! Doo eeeet


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