If you're a regular reader of this blog, you probably already know that I. Love. Silk. As in, I buy things from op shops that are silk even if I don't like the item. It is problematic, trust me.
DIY Details
HOWEVER, sometimes madness pays off. I bought a plain knee-length black silk shift dress that had a huuge rip in the bottom section & decided to turn it into a colour blocked shift by adding a strip of coloured silk (inspired by this & this & many more). Et voila! My silk hoarding paid off, because I had a ginormous silk violet top just waiting to be sacrificed for the project.
These ankle cuffs are just a wide leather belt cut into 2 pieces, with a few studs to secure each. Kind of Céline-inspired & seen before here.
I think next time I wear this dress I'll try a belt... it looks quite potato-sack-ish without.
xx S
HARDLY sackish, very chic! Sighhhh I have TRIED to stop myself buying things from op shops that 'might come in handy one day' but it's a difficult habit to break. You guys have definitely inspired me to do some alterations to the enormous pile of stuff that can't currently be worn though!